OLD NAVY - Women/Girl's Capri's $9 - July 2-4 ONLY - Combine with OldNavyWeekly discounts!
This week's WEEKEND WONDER at Old Navy!First it was flip flops, then tees, then tanks...now capris for women and girls!
PLUS - use this coupon for a larger discount!
"Check www.oldnavyweekly.com and click on "Get their no-sweat style" for an additional 15% off
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Free Bath and Body Item....
Now through Sunday, 7/05, get a FREE Antibacterial Item http://f.chtah.com/i/34/528207786/20090629_9659_coupon.html with any purchase at Bath & Body Works.
Another coupon:
Get a FREE Travel sized Signature Collection item with an purchase.
These can used on ANY purchase, but most stores not allow these to be used together
Monday, June 29, 2009
Needs Diaper Wipes?
Pampers Baby Wipes Refill (770 count) for $16 shipped
Amazon.com Special Offer: Save 15% when you buy any eligible Pampers and Luvs diapers sold by Amazon.com.
Use the following promotional code when you check out: PMPRSJN9
List Price: $28.25 Price: $18.69 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
Details You Save: $9.56 (34%)There are two types available:1. Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes http://www.amazon.com/Pampers-Wip...RB9W28YAZ5
Amazon.com Special Offer: Save 15% when you buy any eligible Pampers and Luvs diapers sold by Amazon.com.
Use the following promotional code when you check out: PMPRSJN9
List Price: $28.25 Price: $18.69 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
Details You Save: $9.56 (34%)There are two types available:1. Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes http://www.amazon.com/Pampers-Wip...RB9W28YAZ5
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Coupon Organization Ideas
There are 4 levels of organization SouthernSavers recommends. They go up in order of time involved to organize but they also each make the time spent finding the coupon faster. So you decide the system best for you and the time trade off.
#1“Not Cutting” Keeping your Inserts Whole
When you get your weekly inserts write the date bigger on the front page of the insert. Then get a large 13 pocket accordion file system and put all the inserts from this week together in one pocket. Next week put those inserts in the next pocket of the folder. As the weeks go on you have all the inserts from each week together organized back by the date that they came out. If you buy more than one paper, just put all the inserts no matter how many into the same pocket. Now when you come to Southern Savers you will use the SS dates that are next to coupons on the weekly deal posts to find each coupon and cut it out before going to the store.
This is where I live. There are not any more hours in my day and this is a compromise with my husband. I do not recommend this system to anyone that hates to miss a clearance or closeout deal in the store. You can take your large file with you but you will spend way to long finding the coupon you need (if you even can find it). The upside to this system is that the only time spent on it, is the time you spend getting ready for your trip. Usually takes me about 15 minutes to cut any coupons needed for a trip.
You will also need to have #2 to keep any coupons that you cut and don’t use or any printable coupons in.
#2Canceled Check File:
This is one small step towards organization. Get a small accordion file with 13 pockets these are $1 at Target normally. Leave the front pocket empty and as you plan your trip you put the coupons there that you will use that trip, then in the remaining pockets label the tabs on them according to the areas that you use the most. I use: Baby, Canned/Boxed Goods, Cereals, Desserts/Baking, Snacks/Drinks, Other food, Toiletries, Drugs, Paper goods, Cleaning products, Refrigerated, and lastly Frozen foods.
I DO NOT recommend organizing by alphabetical or expiration date. If you choose alphabetical then you are the only person in the world that knows where that coupon is. B for Betty C for Crocker or P for Potatoes. If you try expiration date then you are helpless if you need to find the coupon. (It is okay to let a coupon expire by the way, you will probably get another very soon and it really means that they item never came on a great sale).
This system is fast on the time it takes to organize them, you cut put them in twelve stacks and shove them in. It is slow on the time it takes you in the store. Your stacks will be large. If you need to find a coupon for canned chicken you might have 30-40 coupons to look through. Another problem with this system arises if you get more than one copy of the paper. Your stacks of coupons are now really large and time in the store slows even further.
#3Make Your Own Box
Yet another step closer to mastering organization. For this system find any box you like. I recommend something that can fit easily in the top part of the grocery cart. Then buy or make your own dividers. You can go to town with dividers and make categories for anything you like. You will increase the amount of time it takes to organize your cut coupons, but in the store you will have smaller stacks to sort through to find a particular coupon. I made my own box and used a 3×5 index card file box, they sell dividers for it and it had a lid! For my categories when I finally moved out of the box I had over 40 dividers with everything from Baby to Personal Care Supplies I don’t use (just in case it was free).
The only downside with this system is that no matter what size box you pick, a box is a box and it will not expand. If you get a lot of inserts you will not be able to get every coupon inside at some point.
#4Three Ring Binder
This system is for the truly serious and devoted. You need a 1.5 inch or larger 3 ring binder, baseball card organizing pages, and section divider tabs. Label the dividers again by location in the store and then start to put coupons into the baseball card pockets. Place your coupons individually (put multiples behind it) in the slots so that you are able to see every coupon. I put a coupon facing the front and a different coupon facing the back to maximize space. For the dividers, you are not limited by 12 sections so you can go crazy with tabs if you like. You can even get a little zipper bag (sold to hold pencils) to put in the front to hold your coupons for that trip and a pair of scissors.
This system takes the most time to get everything organized. It is coupon origami getting some of the large coupons in the slots. However, in the store if you were racing against anyone in a lower system you would win hands down. If you need to know if you have a particular coupon it will take you about 5 seconds! You will also be ready to make a run to the store for a quick deal rather then feeling like you have to sit down and prepare.
A Few tips for this system:
If you have more than one coupon for the same item, put the ones that expire first towards the front in the pocket
Buy a folder that zips up!! If you hold a binder upside down the coupons will fall out the top.
Look for a binder that has a 6 pocket accordion system too. Now if you cut and don’t have time to file the coupons you can still have them with you.
My Favorite Binder I found at Office Depot, they don’t have one of their site so here is a similar one if you are interested in cost and features.An idea of groupings that gets more organized than the above 12:
Baby, Drugs, Breads, Cereals, Snacks, Meat, Canned/Boxed goods, Condiments/Seasoning, Desserts/Baking goods, Other Food, Frozen, Refrigerated, Cooking Helpers (Ziploc bags, aluminum foil etc.), Paper Goods, Cleaning Goods, Other Household (bug spray etc.), Store Specific (Store coupons, CVS ECB’s etc.), Body Care (soap, razors, deodorant etc.), Tooth care, Hair Care, Facial/Makeup
#1“Not Cutting” Keeping your Inserts Whole
When you get your weekly inserts write the date bigger on the front page of the insert. Then get a large 13 pocket accordion file system and put all the inserts from this week together in one pocket. Next week put those inserts in the next pocket of the folder. As the weeks go on you have all the inserts from each week together organized back by the date that they came out. If you buy more than one paper, just put all the inserts no matter how many into the same pocket. Now when you come to Southern Savers you will use the SS dates that are next to coupons on the weekly deal posts to find each coupon and cut it out before going to the store.
This is where I live. There are not any more hours in my day and this is a compromise with my husband. I do not recommend this system to anyone that hates to miss a clearance or closeout deal in the store. You can take your large file with you but you will spend way to long finding the coupon you need (if you even can find it). The upside to this system is that the only time spent on it, is the time you spend getting ready for your trip. Usually takes me about 15 minutes to cut any coupons needed for a trip.
You will also need to have #2 to keep any coupons that you cut and don’t use or any printable coupons in.
#2Canceled Check File:
This is one small step towards organization. Get a small accordion file with 13 pockets these are $1 at Target normally. Leave the front pocket empty and as you plan your trip you put the coupons there that you will use that trip, then in the remaining pockets label the tabs on them according to the areas that you use the most. I use: Baby, Canned/Boxed Goods, Cereals, Desserts/Baking, Snacks/Drinks, Other food, Toiletries, Drugs, Paper goods, Cleaning products, Refrigerated, and lastly Frozen foods.
I DO NOT recommend organizing by alphabetical or expiration date. If you choose alphabetical then you are the only person in the world that knows where that coupon is. B for Betty C for Crocker or P for Potatoes. If you try expiration date then you are helpless if you need to find the coupon. (It is okay to let a coupon expire by the way, you will probably get another very soon and it really means that they item never came on a great sale).
This system is fast on the time it takes to organize them, you cut put them in twelve stacks and shove them in. It is slow on the time it takes you in the store. Your stacks will be large. If you need to find a coupon for canned chicken you might have 30-40 coupons to look through. Another problem with this system arises if you get more than one copy of the paper. Your stacks of coupons are now really large and time in the store slows even further.
#3Make Your Own Box
Yet another step closer to mastering organization. For this system find any box you like. I recommend something that can fit easily in the top part of the grocery cart. Then buy or make your own dividers. You can go to town with dividers and make categories for anything you like. You will increase the amount of time it takes to organize your cut coupons, but in the store you will have smaller stacks to sort through to find a particular coupon. I made my own box and used a 3×5 index card file box, they sell dividers for it and it had a lid! For my categories when I finally moved out of the box I had over 40 dividers with everything from Baby to Personal Care Supplies I don’t use (just in case it was free).
The only downside with this system is that no matter what size box you pick, a box is a box and it will not expand. If you get a lot of inserts you will not be able to get every coupon inside at some point.
#4Three Ring Binder
This system is for the truly serious and devoted. You need a 1.5 inch or larger 3 ring binder, baseball card organizing pages, and section divider tabs. Label the dividers again by location in the store and then start to put coupons into the baseball card pockets. Place your coupons individually (put multiples behind it) in the slots so that you are able to see every coupon. I put a coupon facing the front and a different coupon facing the back to maximize space. For the dividers, you are not limited by 12 sections so you can go crazy with tabs if you like. You can even get a little zipper bag (sold to hold pencils) to put in the front to hold your coupons for that trip and a pair of scissors.
This system takes the most time to get everything organized. It is coupon origami getting some of the large coupons in the slots. However, in the store if you were racing against anyone in a lower system you would win hands down. If you need to know if you have a particular coupon it will take you about 5 seconds! You will also be ready to make a run to the store for a quick deal rather then feeling like you have to sit down and prepare.
A Few tips for this system:
If you have more than one coupon for the same item, put the ones that expire first towards the front in the pocket
Buy a folder that zips up!! If you hold a binder upside down the coupons will fall out the top.
Look for a binder that has a 6 pocket accordion system too. Now if you cut and don’t have time to file the coupons you can still have them with you.
My Favorite Binder I found at Office Depot, they don’t have one of their site so here is a similar one if you are interested in cost and features.An idea of groupings that gets more organized than the above 12:
Baby, Drugs, Breads, Cereals, Snacks, Meat, Canned/Boxed goods, Condiments/Seasoning, Desserts/Baking goods, Other Food, Frozen, Refrigerated, Cooking Helpers (Ziploc bags, aluminum foil etc.), Paper Goods, Cleaning Goods, Other Household (bug spray etc.), Store Specific (Store coupons, CVS ECB’s etc.), Body Care (soap, razors, deodorant etc.), Tooth care, Hair Care, Facial/Makeup
Monday, June 22, 2009
Kid's Meal Deals - Near You!
There is a website called www.kidsmealdeals.com
that allows you to search for places where kids can eat for free based on the zip code you are in at the time (this could really be helpful if you are away from home on a family trip). I thought it would be a great way to save some cash this summer while the kids are out of school - You can eat out more often if you know where to go to get some free meals. You can narrow your search by days of the week or by cuisine.
If there is a restaurant in your area that is not listed, please add it to their suggestions, this is a fairly new website.
that allows you to search for places where kids can eat for free based on the zip code you are in at the time (this could really be helpful if you are away from home on a family trip). I thought it would be a great way to save some cash this summer while the kids are out of school - You can eat out more often if you know where to go to get some free meals. You can narrow your search by days of the week or by cuisine.
If there is a restaurant in your area that is not listed, please add it to their suggestions, this is a fairly new website.
Target Coupons
Did you know that you can print coupons from the Target website and then use them at Publix. And if you have a manufacturers coupons and a target coupond...Publix will allow you to use BOTH!
Target coupons below.
Target coupons below.
Restaurant.com 80% OFF
Restaurant.com has a new 80% off - - code DISH available.
The $25 gift certificates are normally $10, but are $2 with the code.
They also sell $10 certificates for select restaurants for $3, making them 60 cents each with the code.
Be sure to check restrictions for the certificates before you purchase, as they vary among different venues.
The $25 gift certificates are normally $10, but are $2 with the code.
They also sell $10 certificates for select restaurants for $3, making them 60 cents each with the code.
Be sure to check restrictions for the certificates before you purchase, as they vary among different venues.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
12pk Pepsi $1.75
TARGET: Pepsi Beverages 12 pk for $1.75 + tax
With the summer season on us and so many outdoor parties here is a deal for a summer staple (soda/pop) that has gotten altogether too expensive.
Target has 12 pack Pepsi 'beverages' for $2.75 and with the following $1 coupon off 12 pk Pepsi beverages your final cost is $1.75 before tax.
Go to target.com and click on grocery coupons at the bottom of the page in order to print your coupons,
**TODAY is the last day to use this coupon.
And several selected Pepsi products are on sale for 4 for $11 or 2.75 through today.Some products that I remember were on sale include (list may not be complete):Pepsi diet max, Pepsi diet, regular PepsiSierra mist: regular, diet, ruby splash, and diet ruby splashMountain dew.
With the summer season on us and so many outdoor parties here is a deal for a summer staple (soda/pop) that has gotten altogether too expensive.
Target has 12 pack Pepsi 'beverages' for $2.75 and with the following $1 coupon off 12 pk Pepsi beverages your final cost is $1.75 before tax.
Go to target.com and click on grocery coupons at the bottom of the page in order to print your coupons,
**TODAY is the last day to use this coupon.
And several selected Pepsi products are on sale for 4 for $11 or 2.75 through today.Some products that I remember were on sale include (list may not be complete):Pepsi diet max, Pepsi diet, regular PepsiSierra mist: regular, diet, ruby splash, and diet ruby splashMountain dew.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Old Navy Tanks $2
This Saturday, 6/20, Old Navy will have all Woman’s and Girl’s Ribbed tank tops on sale for $2 ea. No coupon necessary, limit of 5 per person.
Want a coupon to use with this? Go to OldNavyWeekly.com and click around for coupons. There are some great ones hiding and some not so great ones, I found a 15% of total.
Good Luck!
Want a coupon to use with this? Go to OldNavyWeekly.com and click around for coupons. There are some great ones hiding and some not so great ones, I found a 15% of total.
Good Luck!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Old Navy
Old Navy- $2 Women's Tanks In-store Sat. 6/20 only
Heads up- Old Navy is selling $2 Women's Tanks this Saturday, June 20th!
Come in-store to receive this deal, no coupon required!
Heads up- Old Navy is selling $2 Women's Tanks this Saturday, June 20th!
Come in-store to receive this deal, no coupon required!
Gymboree Sale
Gymboree RBS June 16, 2009
Gymboree is having there Red Balloon Sale it will be starting june 16th /09tops will be 4.99 bottoms will be 7.99accessories are .99flips flops are on sales for 5.99all the 7.99 shorts and tanks are now 5.99 the woven shorts will be 9.99
Have a fun time and shop.
Gymboree is having there Red Balloon Sale it will be starting june 16th /09tops will be 4.99 bottoms will be 7.99accessories are .99flips flops are on sales for 5.99all the 7.99 shorts and tanks are now 5.99 the woven shorts will be 9.99
Have a fun time and shop.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Crocs at Big Lots
Variety of styles and sizes...$10!
Variety of styles and sizes...$10!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
$10 off a $25 printable Jcpenney coupon from June 11 - June 16
$10 off a $25 printable Jcpenney coupon from June 11 - June 16
Online Code: 104UExpires June 16, 2009
***The last time I was there with 2 of these coupons, (1st order)I got Aiden a pair of Adidas for $17 and (2nd order) I got A-Man a pair of "Cars" shoes for $12 and an outfit he picked out all my himself...(they had TONS of kids clothes on sale!)
Online Code: 104UExpires June 16, 2009
***The last time I was there with 2 of these coupons, (1st order)I got Aiden a pair of Adidas for $17 and (2nd order) I got A-Man a pair of "Cars" shoes for $12 and an outfit he picked out all my himself...(they had TONS of kids clothes on sale!)
Men's Collegiate Slippers...Maybe Father's day, Bday, or Xmas gifts..
Kohl's has their Entire stock of Men's Collegiate Slippers on sale for $9.99 - $1 with code NEW5696 = $8.99. Shipping is Free for Kohl's Card-holders with code MVC8847, otherwise it's $5.95 for up to 2 pair and increases minimally after that. Shipping is Free if you spend $75 or more. Thanks mcwickKohl's card-holders may save 15% with code JUNESAVE15 and get them for $8.50.
Oklahoma Sooners
Duke Blue Devils
Texas Longhorns
Arizona State Sun Devils
Michigan Wolverines
Syracuse Orange
Wisconsin Badgers
Louisville Cardinals
Virginia Tech Hokies
Georgia Bulldogs
Kentucky Wildcats
Michigan State Spartans
Kansas Jayhawks
Nebraska Cornhuskers
Tennessee Volunteers
Ohio State Buckeyes
Illinois Fighting Illini
Missouri Tigers
Iowa Hawkeyes
USC Trojans
Florida Gators
Penn State Nittany Lions
West Virginia Mountaineers
Oklahoma Sooners
Duke Blue Devils
Texas Longhorns
Arizona State Sun Devils
Michigan Wolverines
Syracuse Orange
Wisconsin Badgers
Louisville Cardinals
Virginia Tech Hokies
Georgia Bulldogs
Kentucky Wildcats
Michigan State Spartans
Kansas Jayhawks
Nebraska Cornhuskers
Tennessee Volunteers
Ohio State Buckeyes
Illinois Fighting Illini
Missouri Tigers
Iowa Hawkeyes
USC Trojans
Florida Gators
Penn State Nittany Lions
West Virginia Mountaineers
Good Deal on BPA Free Dr. Brown Baby Bottles!
Amazon has 3-Packs of Dr Brown's 8oz BPA Free Polypropylene baby bottles for $8. Free shipping on $25+ orders or with Amazon Prime. Check SlickFillers for inexpensive Amazon filler items to help you reach $25 limit.
Coupon Abbreviations..
*SS=Smart Source (Sunday paper coupon insert)
*RP=Red Plum (Sunday paper coupon insert)
*P&G=Proctor & Gamble (Sunday paper coupon insert)
*wyb=When You Buy
*CRT=Cash Register Tape (Coupon printed on the end of a receipt, like CVS)
*Catalina=Check-Out Coupon (Usually Manufacturer Coupons)
*RR=Register Reward (A Walgreens Catalina)
*Home Mailer=A coupon received in the mail
*Printable=An internet printed coupon
*OOP=Out of pocket money
*ECB=Extra Care Buck (Basically a CVS CRT that works like cash)
*gc=gift card
*MIR=Mail in Rebate
*SS=Smart Source (Sunday paper coupon insert)
*RP=Red Plum (Sunday paper coupon insert)
*P&G=Proctor & Gamble (Sunday paper coupon insert)
*wyb=When You Buy
*CRT=Cash Register Tape (Coupon printed on the end of a receipt, like CVS)
*Catalina=Check-Out Coupon (Usually Manufacturer Coupons)
*RR=Register Reward (A Walgreens Catalina)
*Home Mailer=A coupon received in the mail
*Printable=An internet printed coupon
*OOP=Out of pocket money
*ECB=Extra Care Buck (Basically a CVS CRT that works like cash)
*gc=gift card
*MIR=Mail in Rebate
Friday, June 12, 2009
Free Seattles Best Coffee Anyone??
Borders would like us to be a little more awake while in there store...so they are giving us a free cup of Joe...
Borders would like us to be a little more awake while in there store...so they are giving us a free cup of Joe...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Express coupons - maybe a little early school shopping or a new outfit for yourself?
Express.com $10 off $30, $20 off $60, $30 off $90 Online and In Stores
Express.com is offering a coupon code that can be used In stores and Online from now through June 14.
$10 off $30
$20 off $60
$30 off $90Online Promo Code 2000448305917171
In store printable coupon [express.com]
Express.com is offering a coupon code that can be used In stores and Online from now through June 14.
$10 off $30
$20 off $60
$30 off $90Online Promo Code 2000448305917171
In store printable coupon [express.com]
Southern Savers Birthday...
I am posting this wonderful giveaway on the behalf of ... www.southernsavers.com
As you all know my know..I LOVE JENNY from SouthernSavers...she has help my family save sooo much money...so if you want a chance to win $50...check her out!!
In honor of the day lets do another Free Grocery giveaway!!
I will give (4) readers $50 to the Southern Savers grocery store of their choice. The only requirement is that you report back to us and share how much you were able to purchase and save with that $50. This was a lot of fun the last time we did it, I love seeing how far you are able to stretch those dollars. (You don’t have to take pictures but we would all love to see your trips.)
To enter:
1. Leave a comment below with what store you would want $50 too and how much you think you could get for that $50. (It does not have to be purchased in the same trip).
2. For another entry, blog or twitter about this giveaway.
I will pick the winners Saturday morning!! Good Luck.
As you all know my know..I LOVE JENNY from SouthernSavers...she has help my family save sooo much money...so if you want a chance to win $50...check her out!!
In honor of the day lets do another Free Grocery giveaway!!
I will give (4) readers $50 to the Southern Savers grocery store of their choice. The only requirement is that you report back to us and share how much you were able to purchase and save with that $50. This was a lot of fun the last time we did it, I love seeing how far you are able to stretch those dollars. (You don’t have to take pictures but we would all love to see your trips.)
To enter:
1. Leave a comment below with what store you would want $50 too and how much you think you could get for that $50. (It does not have to be purchased in the same trip).
2. For another entry, blog or twitter about this giveaway.
I will pick the winners Saturday morning!! Good Luck.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Restaurant Coupons...
has a new 80% off code PRESENT available. The $25 gift certificates are normally $10, but are $2 with the code. They also sell $10 certificates for select restaurants for $3, making them 60 cents each with the code.
Be sure to check restrictions for the certificates before you purchase, as they vary among different venues.
has a new 80% off code PRESENT available. The $25 gift certificates are normally $10, but are $2 with the code. They also sell $10 certificates for select restaurants for $3, making them 60 cents each with the code.
Be sure to check restrictions for the certificates before you purchase, as they vary among different venues.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
CVS :) Sunday, June 07

Total before sales and taxes = $76.02
Total out off pocket = $11.43
Minus $6.50 for Connor's diapers = $4.93
PLUS I still have $2 ECB's (EXTRA CARE BUCKS/CVS$)SO REALLY = $2.93
GRAND Total saving including $2 ECB's in my pocket = $66.59
If anyone is ever interested in me typing out how I got these deals I am more than happy to do it upon request. Most of my wisdom comes from my new best web friend. WWW.southernsavers.com
Saturday, June 6, 2009

So here it is...I needed and wanted a couple of things that I didn't have coupons for so, sadly, it made my out of pocket total a little more than I would have like, but I am so excited to try the Sea Pak Talapia...YUM, might fix it for lunch. Anywhoo, I also wanted to make this SUPER easy deep dish pizza recipe I found yesterday (I actually had time to read a magazine yesterday while sitting outside with my little one, he was playing with the dog, bugs, rocks, etc.. YEAH!!)..Anyway I'll post the recipe at the end of the rant :)
So total before sales and coupons - $117.23
My out of pocket total - $41.29 (including tax)
My Savings - $75.82
Okay here is a YUMMY and SUPER EASY (a quick go to meal)...
Upside-Down Deep Dish Pizza
4 servings
Prep time - 10 minutes
Cook time - 25 minutes
1 lb ground beef (I used morning star veggie crumbles)
1 jar Pasta Sauce (i used Ragu, because it is what I had in my pantry)
1 package (10oz) frozen chopped, thawed and squeezed dry (used a kitchen towel)
2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 can (11 oz) refrigerated pizza dough
1. Brown ground beef; drain. Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning) Stir in Pasta sauce, bring to a boil. transfer into baking dish (the Rachael Ray frying pan i use can go into the oven...so it made it a one pot meal)
2. Top with broccoli, then cheese. Press dough over dish, sealing edges.
3. Bake at 376 degrees for 20 minutes or until crust is golden. Let it stand for 10 minutes.
25% off any one item at Borders EXP 6/7/09
So I just want to share my current feeling...AHHHHH, so nice and quiet, sitting on the couch with my coffee, my doggie, while hubby and my prince are headed to the gym....one complete hour of mommy time and silence, before getting ready to go volunteer....PRICELESS
HAVE A GREAT SATURDAY!! I'll post my Publix shopping trip in a bit.
So I just want to share my current feeling...AHHHHH, so nice and quiet, sitting on the couch with my coffee, my doggie, while hubby and my prince are headed to the gym....one complete hour of mommy time and silence, before getting ready to go volunteer....PRICELESS
HAVE A GREAT SATURDAY!! I'll post my Publix shopping trip in a bit.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Need Printer Paper?
Just a heads up:
Starting Sunday 6/7, at Staples you can get a ream (500 pages) of Hammermill printer paper for $1 after easy rebate. Limit 2 rebates per household.
They also have Staples brand Photo Paper 50 packs, for $1 after easy rebate.
Starting Sunday 6/7, at Staples you can get a ream (500 pages) of Hammermill printer paper for $1 after easy rebate. Limit 2 rebates per household.
They also have Staples brand Photo Paper 50 packs, for $1 after easy rebate.
$10 off $30 at Party City..
I will be using this to plan our "GREEN" birthday party.
I can't believe my baby (Big Boy to himself) is soon turning 3! I also can't believe he is crying and asking for candy (sandy is what he calls it) at 7am in the morning. LOL...What does he's daddy feed him when I'm not here ? LOL
I will be using this to plan our "GREEN" birthday party.
I can't believe my baby (Big Boy to himself) is soon turning 3! I also can't believe he is crying and asking for candy (sandy is what he calls it) at 7am in the morning. LOL...What does he's daddy feed him when I'm not here ? LOL
$3.00 off coupon (must register)..makes free in most stores
$3.00 off coupon (must register)..makes free in most stores
18 and under...
AMF bowling is participating in a KIDS BOWL FREE event for the summer....if you think your child(ren) may be interested, please go to http://www.kidsbowlfree.com/
You child will have to pay for their shoe rental which is $3.00.
You will receive coupons in your email for the free games.....
AMF bowling is participating in a KIDS BOWL FREE event for the summer....if you think your child(ren) may be interested, please go to http://www.kidsbowlfree.com/
You child will have to pay for their shoe rental which is $3.00.
You will receive coupons in your email for the free games.....
Sunday Paper Preview
Remember; Buy at least 2 Sunday Papers.
This Sunday 6/07 you should have (1) Smart Source, (1) Red Plum, and (1) Procter & Gamble insert. Here are the previews of these inserts. These lists are from Slickdeals and have been edited to make them easier to read.
All coupon inserts vary by region and paper. Your inserts may have less coupons or have different values. Your best bet is to buy the largest metro area paper that you can. Bigger cities get better coupons.
The date in parenthesis is the expiration date.
Smart Source 6/07
$2 off Ban Clinical Defense - (8/8)
.40/1 Ban product – (8/8)
$2 off Bic Disposable Razors (7/19)
$2 off Bic Soleil Disposable Shaver 4pk - (7/19)
$2 off Bic Soliel Bella Shaver 3pk - (7/19)
$1/2 Boca Meatless Product - (8/2)
$2 off Carvel Ice Cream Cake 32 fl oz+ - (7/31)
$4 off Carvel Sheet Cake 80 fl oz+ - (7/31)
.50/2 Chex Mix or Chex 100 Calorie Snack, 4.5oz+ - (x8/1)
$1 off Chiquita Smoothie - (8/31)
$1/2 Chiquita Smoothies - (8/31)
.75/1 Colgate 360, Max Fresh, Max White, or Kids Manual Toothbrush – (6/27)
$1 off Colgate Total Advanced, 4oz+ - (6/27)
.75/1 Colgate Total, Max Fresh, Max White, Sensitive, or Kids Toothpaste, 4oz+ - (6/27)
$3 off Ensure 6pk Shake - (x8/31)
$1.50/2 Finish Jet Dry products - (8/2)
.75/1 Finish Quantum – (x7/5)
.25/1 Finish/Electrasol Powder or Gel – (7/5)
.75/1 Finish/Electrasol Powerball Tabs or Gelpacs – (7/5)
$2 off Freshpet product - (9/30)
.75/3 Hamburger/Tuna/Chicken Helper Home Cooked Skillet Meals – (8/1)
.55/1 Healthy Ones Packaged Lunchmeat, Deli Presliced, or 1lb of Deli Meat – (7/31)
.35/1 Hola Fruta All Natural Premium Pure Fruit Sorbet Pint – (10/01)
55/1 Hola Fruta All Natural Premium Pure Fruit Sorbet, 1qt or 6pk bar pack (10/01)
.75/1 Inspector Hector Color Changing Soap – (11/30)
$1 off Inspector Hector Oral Care Product - (11/30)
.60/1 Jell-O Refrigerated Gelatin or Pudding Snacks – (7/7)
$2 off Joint Juice 4pk or 6pk Product, vitamin aisle - (7/30)
B1G1 Joint Juice Fitness Water, 16.9oz bottle – (7/30)
$1 off L.A. Looks product, 20oz - (9/7)
$1 off Litehouse product - (12/31)
.50/1 Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Pourable, or Trigger– (8/3)
.50/1 Lysol Bathroom Cleaner or Mildew Remover – (8/3)
$1 off Lysol Disinfectant Spray - (8/3)
$1 2 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes - (8/3)
$1/2 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner - (8/3)
$1 off Neutrogena Men item - (9/30)
$3/2 Opti-Free solution - 10oz bottles OR (1) Twin Pack (7/31)
$1.25 Opti-Free Solution, 10oz+ - (7/31)
$1 off Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Chicken Breast Strips or Cuts - (8/2)
.25/1 Palmolive Dish Liquid – . (6/27)
$1 off Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons - box (8/16)
$1 off Playtex Personal Cleansing Cloths product - (8/9)
$1 off Playtex Sport Plastic Applicator Tampons, 18ct+ - (8/16)
$2 off Purina Cat Chow Healthful Life or Naturals Plus 3-7lb bags OR (1) 14lb bag (8/30)
.55/1 Reynolds Wrap Recycled Aluminum Foil – (7/5)
$1 off Romano’s Macaroni Grill Restaurant Favorites Dinner Kit - (8/1)
$1 off Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids, Lock-Its, Produce Saver, or Premier Container - (7/31)
.55/1 Sea Breeze Astringent – (7/31)
$1/2 Sea Breeze Astringents - (7/31)
.55/1 Shout Color Catcher – (8/1)
.55/1 Shout Laundry Stain Remover – (8/1)
.75/1 Softsoap brand Body Wash, excludes 2oz size – (6/27)
$2/2 Spenda No Calorie Sweetener products - (8/30)
$1 off Splenda No Calorie Sweetener with Fiber product - (8/30)
$1/2 Tony’s Pizza, multi-serve - (9/15)
.50/1 Tony’s Pizza, single serve or Pouch Twin product – (9/15)
.50/1 Vivid, Easy-on or Cling-free product – (8/9)
$1 off Tyson Skillet Creations Meal Kit - (9/7)
.75/2 Yoplait Go-Gurt Yogurt or Yoplait Trix Multipack Yogurt – (8/1)
.35/1 Yoplait Go-Gurt, Kids Cup, Kids Yogurt Drink, or Trix Multipack Yogurt – (8/1)
.40/6 Yoplait Yogurt Cups or Yoplait Original or Light Smoothie – (8/1)
.50/1 Yoplait Yo-Plus Yogurt 4pk – (8/1)
.55/1 Yovation Probiotic Frozen Yogurt Quart – (10/01)
Red Plum 6/07
$1 off 9Lives Wet Cat Food, (1) 12can Variety Pack, (12) Individual Cans or (3) 4packs (8/15)
.75/1 9Lives Dry Cat Food, 3.15lb+ - (8/15)
$1/2 Ball Park Franks, any variety - (7/5)
$1 off Bertolli Frozen Meals - (8/15)
$1 off Bertolli Mediterranean Style - (8/29)
$3 off Centrum Ultra 200ct product - (8/31)
$1 off Centrum Ultra product - (8/31)
$1 off Dove Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant or Body Mist - (8/30)
$1 off Dove Beauty Bar, 6-bar pack+ - (8/30)
$1.25 Dove Body Wash, 10oz+ -(8/30)
$1.25 Dove Cream Oil Body Lotion or Hand Cream, excludes Energy Glow and trial sizes - (8/30)
$1.75 Dove Energy Glow Beauty Body Lotion - (8/30)
$1 off Dove Face Care product - (8/30)
$1 off Dove Hair Care product - (8/30)
$3.75 Dove SkinVitalizer - (8/30)
$1.25 Dove Visibly Smooth Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant - (8/30)
$1 off Dramamine product - (9/7)
$1/2 Folgers Gourmet Selections products - (8/31)
$1 off Folgers product, 7oz+ - (7/18)
$1 off Healthy 10 Kefir Beverage, 32oz bottle - (7/31)
$1 off Hefty OneZip Fresh Extend Bags - (10/31)
$1/2 Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage - 7/31)
$1 off Hungry Jack Syrup product - (8/31)
$1 off Imodium product - (9/7)
.25/1 Isaly’s Barbecue Sauce, original or spicy flavor, 16oz jar – (9/30)
$1 off Kellogg’s All-Bran, Special K or Raisin Bran Cereal, 11.4oz+ - (7/19)
$1 off Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Cocoa Krispies, Corn Pops, or Apple Jacks , - (7/19)
$1 off Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats, Rice Krispies, or Crispix Cereal, 10oz+ - (7/19)
.55/1 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts, 8ct+ - (8/2)
$1 off L’Oreal Men’s Expert Skincare product - (8/30)
$2 off L’Oreal Preference, any shade - (8/30)
$1.50 Lactaid Fast Act product, 12ct+ - (9/7)
$1/2 M&M Brand Chocolate Candies, 9.9oz-42oz bags - (7/18)
$1 off M&Ms Brand Ice Cream Multi-pack - (10/31)
$2.50 Milk-Bone Dog Snacks any (2) boxes (8/2)
$1.50 Mylanta product - (9/7)
$1 off Nature’s Bounty Vitamins and Supplements - (7/21)
$1/2 Nexcare or Nexcare Tattoo Bandages - $1.00 off any 2 (8/31)
$1 off Noxzema Disposable Razors, or Bikini Grooming Wand -(8/31)
$6 off Osteo Bi-Flex product - (7/22)
$1 off Pepcid product - (9/7)
$1 off Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 4.8oz+ - (8/2)
$1 off Rolaids product, 12ct+ - (9/7)
$1 off Sara Lee Bites - (9/6)
$1 off Sara Lee Simple Sweets Pie - (9/6)
$1/2 Scotch-Brite Sponges, Scour Pads, Ultra NailSaver Sponges, Dishwand or Refill - (7/31)
$1 off Scotties Facial Tissues, (5) Boxes or (2) Multipacks - (9/30)
$5 off SlimShots Liquid Appetite Controller - (9/30)
$1 off Smooth Away or Smooth Away Vibe Hair Removal System - (9/30)
$1 off Snickers Brand Ice Cream Multi-pack - (10/31)
.50/1 Temptations All Natural Treats for Cats –(8/29)
.50/1 Temptations Treats for Cats – (8/29)
$1 off Tylenol Extra Strength product - (9/7)
$1 off Tylenol PM product - (9/7)
$1 off Whole Fruit Fruit Bar - (8/31)
$1.25/3 Zatarain’s Rice Mixes or Pasta Mixes - (8/30)
Procter & Gamble 6/07
(all expire 7/31)
$5 off Align
$4 off Always Infinity 28 ct or larger
$1 off Always Infinity 14 ct or larger
$1/2 Always Pads, Liners or Cleansing Cloths
.25/1 Bounty
.50/1 Charmin
$1 off Clairol Natural Instincts Hair Color
$3 off Clear & Natural or Fibersure product
$1 off Covergirl any
$1 off Covergirl any
$2/2 Covergirl any 2
.75/1 Crest Glide Floss or Oral-B Advantage Floss Picks 30 ct or larger
.50/1 Crest 4.2 or larger Paste or liquid Gel
$1 off Crest Rinse 440ml or larger
$3 off Crest Whitestrips Classic
$5 off Crest Whitestrips Premium Pro Effects, Advanced Seal Daily Whitening
$1.50 Dawn Pure Essentials
.25/1 Dawn any size
.50/1 Dawn Direct Foam or Dawn Simple Pleasures
$2 off Duracell hearing aid batteries with Easytab
$1 off Fusion Pre or Post Shave Product
$1 off Gillette Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler
$4 off Gillette Fusion Manual or Power Razor
$1 off Gillette Body Wash
$2 off Gillette Clinical Strength Deodorant or any (2) Gillette Antiperspirant /Deodorants
$2/2 Head & Shoulders Products
$1 off Infusion
$2 off Metamucil Clear & Natural or Fibersure
$1 off Olay Body Wash
$1 off Olay Facial Moisturizer or Cleanser
$1 off Old Spice Anti-perspirant/Deodorant
.50/1 Old Spice Body Wash
$1 off Oral B Stages Battery Powered Toothbrush or any (2) Oral B Stages Manual brushes or Toothpastes
$1 off Pampers Diapers or Pants
.50/1 Pampers Splashers
$1/2 Pantene Hair Care Products
$3 off Prilosec OTC
$7 off Prilosec on (2) 42 count packs
$5 off Pur or Pur Flavor Options System pitcher or faucet
$5 off Pur 3 pack Pitcher or Faucet Mount Replacement Filter or any one PUR Refrigerator Filter
$1 off Secret Clinical Strength
$1/2 Secret Anti-Perspirant or Deodorant
.50/1 Tampax 18ct or larger
.35/1 Tide Save
.35/1 Tide to Go
$1 off Venus Razor
This Sunday 6/07 you should have (1) Smart Source, (1) Red Plum, and (1) Procter & Gamble insert. Here are the previews of these inserts. These lists are from Slickdeals and have been edited to make them easier to read.
All coupon inserts vary by region and paper. Your inserts may have less coupons or have different values. Your best bet is to buy the largest metro area paper that you can. Bigger cities get better coupons.
The date in parenthesis is the expiration date.
Smart Source 6/07
$2 off Ban Clinical Defense - (8/8)
.40/1 Ban product – (8/8)
$2 off Bic Disposable Razors (7/19)
$2 off Bic Soleil Disposable Shaver 4pk - (7/19)
$2 off Bic Soliel Bella Shaver 3pk - (7/19)
$1/2 Boca Meatless Product - (8/2)
$2 off Carvel Ice Cream Cake 32 fl oz+ - (7/31)
$4 off Carvel Sheet Cake 80 fl oz+ - (7/31)
.50/2 Chex Mix or Chex 100 Calorie Snack, 4.5oz+ - (x8/1)
$1 off Chiquita Smoothie - (8/31)
$1/2 Chiquita Smoothies - (8/31)
.75/1 Colgate 360, Max Fresh, Max White, or Kids Manual Toothbrush – (6/27)
$1 off Colgate Total Advanced, 4oz+ - (6/27)
.75/1 Colgate Total, Max Fresh, Max White, Sensitive, or Kids Toothpaste, 4oz+ - (6/27)
$3 off Ensure 6pk Shake - (x8/31)
$1.50/2 Finish Jet Dry products - (8/2)
.75/1 Finish Quantum – (x7/5)
.25/1 Finish/Electrasol Powder or Gel – (7/5)
.75/1 Finish/Electrasol Powerball Tabs or Gelpacs – (7/5)
$2 off Freshpet product - (9/30)
.75/3 Hamburger/Tuna/Chicken Helper Home Cooked Skillet Meals – (8/1)
.55/1 Healthy Ones Packaged Lunchmeat, Deli Presliced, or 1lb of Deli Meat – (7/31)
.35/1 Hola Fruta All Natural Premium Pure Fruit Sorbet Pint – (10/01)
55/1 Hola Fruta All Natural Premium Pure Fruit Sorbet, 1qt or 6pk bar pack (10/01)
.75/1 Inspector Hector Color Changing Soap – (11/30)
$1 off Inspector Hector Oral Care Product - (11/30)
.60/1 Jell-O Refrigerated Gelatin or Pudding Snacks – (7/7)
$2 off Joint Juice 4pk or 6pk Product, vitamin aisle - (7/30)
B1G1 Joint Juice Fitness Water, 16.9oz bottle – (7/30)
$1 off L.A. Looks product, 20oz - (9/7)
$1 off Litehouse product - (12/31)
.50/1 Lysol All Purpose Cleaner Pourable, or Trigger– (8/3)
.50/1 Lysol Bathroom Cleaner or Mildew Remover – (8/3)
$1 off Lysol Disinfectant Spray - (8/3)
$1 2 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes - (8/3)
$1/2 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner - (8/3)
$1 off Neutrogena Men item - (9/30)
$3/2 Opti-Free solution - 10oz bottles OR (1) Twin Pack (7/31)
$1.25 Opti-Free Solution, 10oz+ - (7/31)
$1 off Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Chicken Breast Strips or Cuts - (8/2)
.25/1 Palmolive Dish Liquid – . (6/27)
$1 off Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons - box (8/16)
$1 off Playtex Personal Cleansing Cloths product - (8/9)
$1 off Playtex Sport Plastic Applicator Tampons, 18ct+ - (8/16)
$2 off Purina Cat Chow Healthful Life or Naturals Plus 3-7lb bags OR (1) 14lb bag (8/30)
.55/1 Reynolds Wrap Recycled Aluminum Foil – (7/5)
$1 off Romano’s Macaroni Grill Restaurant Favorites Dinner Kit - (8/1)
$1 off Rubbermaid Easy Find Lids, Lock-Its, Produce Saver, or Premier Container - (7/31)
.55/1 Sea Breeze Astringent – (7/31)
$1/2 Sea Breeze Astringents - (7/31)
.55/1 Shout Color Catcher – (8/1)
.55/1 Shout Laundry Stain Remover – (8/1)
.75/1 Softsoap brand Body Wash, excludes 2oz size – (6/27)
$2/2 Spenda No Calorie Sweetener products - (8/30)
$1 off Splenda No Calorie Sweetener with Fiber product - (8/30)
$1/2 Tony’s Pizza, multi-serve - (9/15)
.50/1 Tony’s Pizza, single serve or Pouch Twin product – (9/15)
.50/1 Vivid, Easy-on or Cling-free product – (8/9)
$1 off Tyson Skillet Creations Meal Kit - (9/7)
.75/2 Yoplait Go-Gurt Yogurt or Yoplait Trix Multipack Yogurt – (8/1)
.35/1 Yoplait Go-Gurt, Kids Cup, Kids Yogurt Drink, or Trix Multipack Yogurt – (8/1)
.40/6 Yoplait Yogurt Cups or Yoplait Original or Light Smoothie – (8/1)
.50/1 Yoplait Yo-Plus Yogurt 4pk – (8/1)
.55/1 Yovation Probiotic Frozen Yogurt Quart – (10/01)
Red Plum 6/07
$1 off 9Lives Wet Cat Food, (1) 12can Variety Pack, (12) Individual Cans or (3) 4packs (8/15)
.75/1 9Lives Dry Cat Food, 3.15lb+ - (8/15)
$1/2 Ball Park Franks, any variety - (7/5)
$1 off Bertolli Frozen Meals - (8/15)
$1 off Bertolli Mediterranean Style - (8/29)
$3 off Centrum Ultra 200ct product - (8/31)
$1 off Centrum Ultra product - (8/31)
$1 off Dove Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant or Body Mist - (8/30)
$1 off Dove Beauty Bar, 6-bar pack+ - (8/30)
$1.25 Dove Body Wash, 10oz+ -(8/30)
$1.25 Dove Cream Oil Body Lotion or Hand Cream, excludes Energy Glow and trial sizes - (8/30)
$1.75 Dove Energy Glow Beauty Body Lotion - (8/30)
$1 off Dove Face Care product - (8/30)
$1 off Dove Hair Care product - (8/30)
$3.75 Dove SkinVitalizer - (8/30)
$1.25 Dove Visibly Smooth Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant - (8/30)
$1 off Dramamine product - (9/7)
$1/2 Folgers Gourmet Selections products - (8/31)
$1 off Folgers product, 7oz+ - (7/18)
$1 off Healthy 10 Kefir Beverage, 32oz bottle - (7/31)
$1 off Hefty OneZip Fresh Extend Bags - (10/31)
$1/2 Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage - 7/31)
$1 off Hungry Jack Syrup product - (8/31)
$1 off Imodium product - (9/7)
.25/1 Isaly’s Barbecue Sauce, original or spicy flavor, 16oz jar – (9/30)
$1 off Kellogg’s All-Bran, Special K or Raisin Bran Cereal, 11.4oz+ - (7/19)
$1 off Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Cocoa Krispies, Corn Pops, or Apple Jacks , - (7/19)
$1 off Kellogg’s Mini-Wheats, Rice Krispies, or Crispix Cereal, 10oz+ - (7/19)
.55/1 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts, 8ct+ - (8/2)
$1 off L’Oreal Men’s Expert Skincare product - (8/30)
$2 off L’Oreal Preference, any shade - (8/30)
$1.50 Lactaid Fast Act product, 12ct+ - (9/7)
$1/2 M&M Brand Chocolate Candies, 9.9oz-42oz bags - (7/18)
$1 off M&Ms Brand Ice Cream Multi-pack - (10/31)
$2.50 Milk-Bone Dog Snacks any (2) boxes (8/2)
$1.50 Mylanta product - (9/7)
$1 off Nature’s Bounty Vitamins and Supplements - (7/21)
$1/2 Nexcare or Nexcare Tattoo Bandages - $1.00 off any 2 (8/31)
$1 off Noxzema Disposable Razors, or Bikini Grooming Wand -(8/31)
$6 off Osteo Bi-Flex product - (7/22)
$1 off Pepcid product - (9/7)
$1 off Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, 4.8oz+ - (8/2)
$1 off Rolaids product, 12ct+ - (9/7)
$1 off Sara Lee Bites - (9/6)
$1 off Sara Lee Simple Sweets Pie - (9/6)
$1/2 Scotch-Brite Sponges, Scour Pads, Ultra NailSaver Sponges, Dishwand or Refill - (7/31)
$1 off Scotties Facial Tissues, (5) Boxes or (2) Multipacks - (9/30)
$5 off SlimShots Liquid Appetite Controller - (9/30)
$1 off Smooth Away or Smooth Away Vibe Hair Removal System - (9/30)
$1 off Snickers Brand Ice Cream Multi-pack - (10/31)
.50/1 Temptations All Natural Treats for Cats –(8/29)
.50/1 Temptations Treats for Cats – (8/29)
$1 off Tylenol Extra Strength product - (9/7)
$1 off Tylenol PM product - (9/7)
$1 off Whole Fruit Fruit Bar - (8/31)
$1.25/3 Zatarain’s Rice Mixes or Pasta Mixes - (8/30)
Procter & Gamble 6/07
(all expire 7/31)
$5 off Align
$4 off Always Infinity 28 ct or larger
$1 off Always Infinity 14 ct or larger
$1/2 Always Pads, Liners or Cleansing Cloths
.25/1 Bounty
.50/1 Charmin
$1 off Clairol Natural Instincts Hair Color
$3 off Clear & Natural or Fibersure product
$1 off Covergirl any
$1 off Covergirl any
$2/2 Covergirl any 2
.75/1 Crest Glide Floss or Oral-B Advantage Floss Picks 30 ct or larger
.50/1 Crest 4.2 or larger Paste or liquid Gel
$1 off Crest Rinse 440ml or larger
$3 off Crest Whitestrips Classic
$5 off Crest Whitestrips Premium Pro Effects, Advanced Seal Daily Whitening
$1.50 Dawn Pure Essentials
.25/1 Dawn any size
.50/1 Dawn Direct Foam or Dawn Simple Pleasures
$2 off Duracell hearing aid batteries with Easytab
$1 off Fusion Pre or Post Shave Product
$1 off Gillette Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler
$4 off Gillette Fusion Manual or Power Razor
$1 off Gillette Body Wash
$2 off Gillette Clinical Strength Deodorant or any (2) Gillette Antiperspirant /Deodorants
$2/2 Head & Shoulders Products
$1 off Infusion
$2 off Metamucil Clear & Natural or Fibersure
$1 off Olay Body Wash
$1 off Olay Facial Moisturizer or Cleanser
$1 off Old Spice Anti-perspirant/Deodorant
.50/1 Old Spice Body Wash
$1 off Oral B Stages Battery Powered Toothbrush or any (2) Oral B Stages Manual brushes or Toothpastes
$1 off Pampers Diapers or Pants
.50/1 Pampers Splashers
$1/2 Pantene Hair Care Products
$3 off Prilosec OTC
$7 off Prilosec on (2) 42 count packs
$5 off Pur or Pur Flavor Options System pitcher or faucet
$5 off Pur 3 pack Pitcher or Faucet Mount Replacement Filter or any one PUR Refrigerator Filter
$1 off Secret Clinical Strength
$1/2 Secret Anti-Perspirant or Deodorant
.50/1 Tampax 18ct or larger
.35/1 Tide Save
.35/1 Tide to Go
$1 off Venus Razor
Thursday, June 4, 2009
$10 off $10 or more...JC Penney
JC Penney offers $10 off $10 or more when you enter code GR8DAD at checkout. Shipping starts at $4.50 or is Free if you spend $49 or more.
Tommorow is National Doughnut Day!!
In honor of that Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Doughnuts and others are offering a free doughnut to their visitors.
If you have a doughnut maker in your area call and see if they are participating.
Also a reminder::Saturday June 6th is FREE ice cream day at Friendly’s between 12pm and 5pm.
In honor of that Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Doughnuts and others are offering a free doughnut to their visitors.
If you have a doughnut maker in your area call and see if they are participating.
Also a reminder::Saturday June 6th is FREE ice cream day at Friendly’s between 12pm and 5pm.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Don't Feel Like Cooking Dinner...check this out
*UPDATE* New Codes - DOMINOS Large Plain Pizza + CinnaStix - $6.99 OR Large 1 Topping Pizza + CinnaStix - $7.99 - - Delivery or Carry Out
Make sure you try all codes. If one doesnt work use another one. One combination of codes should work out for you.
Use Coupon Code BAN799L/PROVEN for Large 1 topping Pizza
Use Coupon Code BAN5OFF for $5 off Large Pizza - Plain - Making order 6.99
Coupon Code FREESTIX or SWEET or JOBSTIX for a free order of CinnaStix
Delivery Orders only.
Tax + Deliv Fee Applies.
Other Promos:Use Coupon Code DRINKS to receive two free 20 oz Coca-Cola Drinks with order.
Can only be combined with FREESTIX code.
ADD Coupon Code MVPFC for free chicken side.
Can be combined with all other codes.
If Pizza is not your thing:Use Coupon Code SAND83 + FREESTIX to get Any Oven Baked Sandwich, 20 oz Coca-Cola® product, and Bag of Lay's® or Doritos chips® + CINNASTIX for $6.99
Make sure you try all codes. If one doesnt work use another one. One combination of codes should work out for you.
Use Coupon Code BAN799L/PROVEN for Large 1 topping Pizza
Use Coupon Code BAN5OFF for $5 off Large Pizza - Plain - Making order 6.99
Coupon Code FREESTIX or SWEET or JOBSTIX for a free order of CinnaStix
Delivery Orders only.
Tax + Deliv Fee Applies.
Other Promos:Use Coupon Code DRINKS to receive two free 20 oz Coca-Cola Drinks with order.
Can only be combined with FREESTIX code.
ADD Coupon Code MVPFC for free chicken side.
Can be combined with all other codes.
If Pizza is not your thing:Use Coupon Code SAND83 + FREESTIX to get Any Oven Baked Sandwich, 20 oz Coca-Cola® product, and Bag of Lay's® or Doritos chips® + CINNASTIX for $6.99
Summer Food Program
Did you know that any student in Florida that recieves free or reduced lunch during the school year can also receive free/reduced lunch over the summer? Not everyone is as fortunate as most of us and many kids only receive nutritious hot meals at school. If you know of any child or any family that can benefit from this information, please pass it along :)
JcPenney Promo- Codes and Coupon
Coupon Code: MAYSURV9
Discount: 15% off your entire online order
Expires Unknown
Coupon Code: BBFREE9C
Expires 06/06/09
Coupon Code: 10GIFT
Discount: $10 off $25 or more
Expires 07/02/09
Coupon Below...
Wednesday-Saturday, June 3-6 2009
Discount: 15% off your entire online order
Expires Unknown
Coupon Code: BBFREE9C
Expires 06/06/09
Coupon Code: 10GIFT
Discount: $10 off $25 or more
Expires 07/02/09
Coupon Below...
Wednesday-Saturday, June 3-6 2009
$5 off $25 at Borders EXP 6/7/09
or Buy 4 books and get the 5th free....sorry, can't use the deals togther
or Buy 4 books and get the 5th free....sorry, can't use the deals togther
It's another good week at PUBLIX! Don't forget to check out the B1G1 deals on www.southernsavers.com, they begin tomorrow, Thursday, in Florida.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Every Wednesday in June grab a weekly freebie from Arby’s! Here are the deals for the first few weeks:
Wed. June 3rd - Free Fruitea wyb any Sandwich
Wed. June 10th - Free Roast Chicken Club wyb any Soft Drink
Wed June 17th - Free Regular Sidekickers wyb any Sandwich
Wed June 24th - Free Regular Roast Beef Sandwich wyb any Soft Drink
(they are doing this through August so stay tuned for next month’s deals)
Wed. June 3rd - Free Fruitea wyb any Sandwich
Wed. June 10th - Free Roast Chicken Club wyb any Soft Drink
Wed June 17th - Free Regular Sidekickers wyb any Sandwich
Wed June 24th - Free Regular Roast Beef Sandwich wyb any Soft Drink
(they are doing this through August so stay tuned for next month’s deals)
Free Sonic Root Beer Float 6/3
Tomorrow, 6/03, from 8pm until midnight everyone nationwide can enjoy a free Root Beer Float from Sonic. It is a 10oz size, and requires no coupon.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Free Summer Movies!
Looking for Free and Cool (weather wise) things to do with your children...Well Check This Out!
REG’s Free Family Film Festival is Now Showing!
When school’s out, kids around the country visit selected Regal theatres for the Free Family Film Festival. It’s a fun-filled nine weeks of movies for kids and parents. Since 1991, Regal has provided this service to the community, and best of all it’s FREE!
Selected G & PG movies start at 10AM each Tuesday and Wednesday during the festival. First-come, first-served seating is limited to theatre capacity. The Free Family Film Festival is safe, lots of fun and a great way for kids to spend a weekday morning in the summer.
Tickets for our 2009 Free Family Film Festival are exclusively available at select theatres’ box office on the day of the show.
You can also select a state from the list below to find participating theatres in your area along with what films are playing each week!
Select State
Movies @ Wekiva Riverwalk 8
2141 North Semoran Blvd
Apopka ,FL 32703
06/09/2009-06/10/2009 Curious George (G)
Spiderwick Chronicles (PG)
06/16/2009-06/17/2009 Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (G)
Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (PG)
06/23/2009-06/24/2009 Mr. Bean's Holiday (G)
Madagascar 2: Escape To Africa (PG)
06/30/2009-07/01/2009 Arctic Tale (G)
Igor (PG)
07/07/2009-07/08/2009 Everyone's Hero (G)
Kung Fu Panda (PG)
07/14/2009-07/15/2009 Charlotte's Web (G)
Shrek The Third (PG)
07/21/2009-07/22/2009 The Tale Of Despereaux (G)
Bee Movie (PG)
07/28/2009-07/29/2009 Space Chimps (G)
Alvin And The Chipmunks (PG)
08/04/2009-08/05/2009 Horton Hears A Who (G)
Nim's Island (PG)
Check for regular Movies and Showtimes
Winter Park Stadium 20
510 North Orlando Ave
Winter Park ,FL 32789
06/09/2009-06/10/2009 Curious George (G)
Spiderwick Chronicles (PG)
06/16/2009-06/17/2009 Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (G)
Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (PG)
06/23/2009-06/24/2009 Mr. Bean's Holiday (G)
Madagascar 2: Escape To Africa (PG)
06/30/2009-07/01/2009 Arctic Tale (G)
Igor (PG)
07/07/2009-07/08/2009 Everyone's Hero (G)
Kung Fu Panda (PG)
07/14/2009-07/15/2009 Charlotte's Web (G)
Shrek The Third (PG)
07/21/2009-07/22/2009 The Tale Of Despereaux (G)
Bee Movie (PG)
07/28/2009-07/29/2009 Space Chimps (G)
Alvin And The Chipmunks (PG)
08/04/2009-08/05/2009 Horton Hears A Who (G)
Nim's Island (PG)
Check for regular Movies and Showtimes
REG’s Free Family Film Festival is Now Showing!
When school’s out, kids around the country visit selected Regal theatres for the Free Family Film Festival. It’s a fun-filled nine weeks of movies for kids and parents. Since 1991, Regal has provided this service to the community, and best of all it’s FREE!
Selected G & PG movies start at 10AM each Tuesday and Wednesday during the festival. First-come, first-served seating is limited to theatre capacity. The Free Family Film Festival is safe, lots of fun and a great way for kids to spend a weekday morning in the summer.
Tickets for our 2009 Free Family Film Festival are exclusively available at select theatres’ box office on the day of the show.
You can also select a state from the list below to find participating theatres in your area along with what films are playing each week!
Select State
Movies @ Wekiva Riverwalk 8
2141 North Semoran Blvd
Apopka ,FL 32703
06/09/2009-06/10/2009 Curious George (G)
Spiderwick Chronicles (PG)
06/16/2009-06/17/2009 Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (G)
Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (PG)
06/23/2009-06/24/2009 Mr. Bean's Holiday (G)
Madagascar 2: Escape To Africa (PG)
06/30/2009-07/01/2009 Arctic Tale (G)
Igor (PG)
07/07/2009-07/08/2009 Everyone's Hero (G)
Kung Fu Panda (PG)
07/14/2009-07/15/2009 Charlotte's Web (G)
Shrek The Third (PG)
07/21/2009-07/22/2009 The Tale Of Despereaux (G)
Bee Movie (PG)
07/28/2009-07/29/2009 Space Chimps (G)
Alvin And The Chipmunks (PG)
08/04/2009-08/05/2009 Horton Hears A Who (G)
Nim's Island (PG)
Check for regular Movies and Showtimes
Winter Park Stadium 20
510 North Orlando Ave
Winter Park ,FL 32789
06/09/2009-06/10/2009 Curious George (G)
Spiderwick Chronicles (PG)
06/16/2009-06/17/2009 Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (G)
Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep (PG)
06/23/2009-06/24/2009 Mr. Bean's Holiday (G)
Madagascar 2: Escape To Africa (PG)
06/30/2009-07/01/2009 Arctic Tale (G)
Igor (PG)
07/07/2009-07/08/2009 Everyone's Hero (G)
Kung Fu Panda (PG)
07/14/2009-07/15/2009 Charlotte's Web (G)
Shrek The Third (PG)
07/21/2009-07/22/2009 The Tale Of Despereaux (G)
Bee Movie (PG)
07/28/2009-07/29/2009 Space Chimps (G)
Alvin And The Chipmunks (PG)
08/04/2009-08/05/2009 Horton Hears A Who (G)
Nim's Island (PG)
Check for regular Movies and Showtimes
Thanks Supersavers for the following heads up. Print NOW (remember to always try to print 2 for the B1G1 deals) these will be gone fast.
.40/1 Go-Gurt (B1G1 at Publix right now)
.50/1 off Lucky Charms
.45/1 Fiber One Chewy Bars
.50/1 Betty Crocker Warm Delights
.50/1 Chex Mix (will make it FREE or close to FREE on sale)
.50/1 Betty Crocker Frosting (another freebie when on sale)
$1 off Keebler Sandies cookies
Smart Source has many of the same coupons! So get 2 from each coupon distributor (hit your back button to print a second set)
$1/2 General Mills Cereals
Remember: Prints for some of these General Mills items will not last through tommorow. These are good all month and are wonderful doubling coupons so we will have no problems finding deals to use them with. If you wait to print when these are on sale, then I am afraid all you will see is “printable - print limit reached”.
.40/1 Go-Gurt (B1G1 at Publix right now)
.50/1 off Lucky Charms
.45/1 Fiber One Chewy Bars
.50/1 Betty Crocker Warm Delights
.50/1 Chex Mix (will make it FREE or close to FREE on sale)
.50/1 Betty Crocker Frosting (another freebie when on sale)
$1 off Keebler Sandies cookies
Smart Source has many of the same coupons! So get 2 from each coupon distributor (hit your back button to print a second set)
$1/2 General Mills Cereals
Remember: Prints for some of these General Mills items will not last through tommorow. These are good all month and are wonderful doubling coupons so we will have no problems finding deals to use them with. If you wait to print when these are on sale, then I am afraid all you will see is “printable - print limit reached”.
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